![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:42 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
About people parking in front of your house? I’m in the camp of if they’re not blocking the driveway or mailbox during the day, couldn’t care less. Our neighborhood FB group has blown up today with a neighbor complaint about someone parking in front of her house. Her husband is a cop and she was threatening to to block that persons car in (using the cop car I assume) and not move till they left for work again. Apparently I, and everyone who didn’t agree with her, attacked her (by saying it’s not a big deal) and that we hate cops.
What are y’all s thoughts?
PS I screen shot it all but am not going to post it because I don’t want to take the time to black our names but basically Reddit would call her an EB and I’d get all the karma if I posted to there.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:50 |
Is parking allowed there via the neighborhood rules? If so this is a done deal already.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:52 |
I live in the city, so this isn’t a thing. If I lived in the burbs, I don’t see how I would even have a right to care. You don’t own the street, right? As long as they aren’t on my lawn or blocking my driveway I don’t see how it would bother someone.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:52 |
If her husband is a police officer then she should know there is nothing she or the law can do about people parking on public property, but of course instead of being reasonable she threaten s to use authoritative power she doesn’t actually wield .
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It almost sounds like they don’t have broken down cars that take up all the spots in front of thei r house already? What am I missing here?
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Are they on private property?
No? then fuck you if you think you can do something about it
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:56 |
Why is this even an issue. I lived in a city and 80% of the time there was a neighbors car in front of our house. It’s a fucking public street, and I have no ownership or control of that street.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:56 |
Why are people mad about someone parking on the street? Unless your neighbor parked a broken down vehicle in front of your house for months, who cares. I don't own the street. It's not reserved parking for me.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:57 |
Does she want to speak with the manager?
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:57 |
Assumed public property, no rights or rules about parking, lady needs to simmer before something happens to her, if she’s lucky she’ll only be dox’d or swatted if she irritates the wrong person. Then her victim mentality will really come out. I pity her husband.
Funny thing, my mom sometimes gets irked when people park in front of her house (no matter that her driveway easily fits 4 cars), and I think she’ll sometimes park on the street just to prevent others from doing so.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 12:58 |
i dont mind.... bonus points if its a nice car
my neighbours on the other hand will call the cops if you dare park out front
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:00 |
The people that park in fron t of my house live in my house, so I have no issue with it.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:00 |
You don’t own the streets yo.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:01 |
It’s a public street, the public can park there.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:02 |
who tf cares? not on private property or blocking you? fuck off busy body.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:11 |
two sides of the coin.
1. They legally can park there. Its public space
2. Its not the best decision unless its necessary
. If it inconveniences
me but benefits
them, I’
m a little bugged by it. If that plus they don’t need to, but just want to. Yeah, thats annoying.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:13 |
Our front lawn has a hydrant, so as much as it sucks that we can’t park there - no one else can either!
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:16 |
The way I see it is, we buy the house, not the road in front of it.
If you pay your road tax then you have the right to park where you want (with in reason subject to laws and local bylaws).
Sure if the house owner is elderly or infirm then it’s not all that hospitable to park in front of their house, but how are people expected to know that unless they know the owner of the house.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:19 |
If I had my druthers, I’d draw the line not at the driveway, but rather a few feet beyond it on both sides , just to maintain some decent visibility for me to spot approaching traffic.
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I’ve got enough room out front of my house for two cars to park between my driveway entrance and the neighboring driveway entrance. I’ve got no issue with people parking there since it is a public street (and I’ve got a driveway inside my fence that runs a single car-width down the side of my house).
That being said, if you park your Camry like a drunk ape in the middle of the two spots (one of which I use daily) I will park an inch from your bumper and mother fuck you loudly from the street to my sidewalk and finally into my front door. You middle-parking inconsiderate chuckle-fuck. (/rant).
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:21 |
I hate people and would make it my life’ s work to park in front of their house at all cost.
The parking lot at my condo has unreserved spots. I have lived their for four and a half years and have always had at least two cars. Recently I was told I would need to rotate my cars out of the spots closest to my place as other residents were complaining that I was overusing them. I told them to pound sand and if I’m gone for longer than an afternoon I move my 3rd car into the lot (it’s usually street parked) to block the spot until I return. They can all pound sand.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:22 |
On the street? Not a problem, I don't own the street. But in the driveway? GTFO.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:35 |
Yeah. Public street. Not even one of those private gated neighborhoods.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:38 |
You just reminded me of a lady in a neighborhood I used to live in. She went on the neighborhood page trying to find information to contact the HOA. Not an HOA neighborhood. When she found out that (seriously didn’t know despite no contract signing or fees) she tried to drum up support for one so she could complain about her neighbor’s yard. It was a normal yard but she wanted everyone to have the standard perfectly maintained type yard you see on tv. Everyone told her to F off.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:39 |
Is her name Karen?
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:41 |
Exactly. She insisted the person needed to move up in front of a stop sign (illegal) or park in front of someone else’s house.
I guess since he parks his patrol car facing the wrong way directly in front of the stop sign on a near daily basis it’s ok. Local police aren’t going to ticket a patrol car illegally parked but the will a normal person
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:44 |
I work in a neighborhood where a guy parks his accord like that. There’s a parking cutout(?) that can easily fit 3 cars but he manages to park in a way where it only fits 2. And he lives several houses down where he could also street park. Every house in this neighborhood has a wife two car garage and he could park in his driveway
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:45 |
Annoying, but certainly not illegal. Of course, the rational thing would be to simply talk to the driver and ask if they’d please park in front of their own house.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:47 |
In the ‘burbs entitled people think they own the street in front of their house. I once had someone threaten me for walking a dog on “their street”. I asked if he paid to have the road put in “well, no”. I replied “then shut the f**k up and mind your own business because you have no right to tell me I can’t walk on a public road.” He briefly shut up and then went back to threatening me so I called the cops.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:50 |
She’s made posts on the group before complaining about people street parking but she deletes them once she sees no one agrees with her. The driveways are short and narrow. Most only fit one car unless someone had them widened. Street parking is a must for most.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 13:51 |
Yeah. Public streets. No HOA, etc
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It’s a corner lot. In theory the husband could park on the side street instead of directly in front. EB just thinks she has rights to that space
![]() 08/26/2019 at 14:37 |
Shit a wife t wo -car garage sounds great!
![]() 08/26/2019 at 15:18 |
Are Dependas leaking into Law Enforcement?
![]() 08/26/2019 at 15:24 |
I have OPINIONS on street parking, but she’s wrong.
I generally street park blocking my own driveway, since the vehicle in it doesn’t run and the Fiat can’t clear the curb . This saves the 1-2 spots in front of my yard for my neighbors and generally guarantees me a spot.
Every so often I get home and someone else has blocked my driveway and I’ll eventually have a heart attack from being pissed off about it.
My neighbors threw a party and their guests managed to block at least three driveways besides their own. I’m holding a grudge about that one.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 15:25 |
A few evenings
back I came out of my house to go to the grocery
and buy some coffee (I was flat
out of coffee) and I saw the
next-door neighbor was having a party and somebody had parked right across
the end
of my driveway! So I went over there and knocked on the door
. I told my
, “Have a look at this for crying out loud,
” and pointed to the offending
car. He said
“Oh no
!” and went back inside. A
bout ten seconds later he came out
the door with a beer in his hand and
some dude and told
“You gotta move your car,
” and h
e hande
d me the
beer. So it worked out good
![]() 08/26/2019 at 20:15 |
I don’t love it, but I don’t own it.
It is illegal in my town to have a car parked for over 72 hours on the street. I got into an unpleasant exchange with someone from a different town leaving their truck with enclosed camper (hmmm...) parked in front of my house for five days. She works in nearby, but doesn’t even live in this city. She commutes in some whatever car, but started leaving her truck in front of my house when not even using it as a commuter. I think she was sleeping in it — or letting a friend do so — but she denies it.
She made me feel like a total asshole for asking her if she was living in it, but it was illegally parked regardless, but the point was made and I never saw it parked in front of my house again. I still see moving around a few blocks up north. Sometimes days at a time...
Anyway, for me it’s like: people living in vehicles invite crime, trash, drugs, etc. You see it all the time here. If I see a car parked for a few days, or someone sleeping in it, you better believe I’m watching. But if my neighbor has a party and the streets are packed with random cars overnight? No problem, just don’t block my driveway.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 20:38 |
Blocking driveways is a no no. Mine occasionally gets a little overlap because of my extra small cul de sac. Sometimes it bugs me but ultimately if I can get out I don’t care.
![]() 08/26/2019 at 20:40 |
Driveway blocking is a jerk move. I know someone who is two houses down from a neighborhood restaurant. Very bright yellow curbs indicating no parking but people still frequently park in front of the driveway. She has cones she sets out sometimes
![]() 08/27/2019 at 06:20 |
it’s on a public street, nothing she can do